Hello Aspen Hill Residents,
As your HOA board, we wanted to make you aware of the following…
Please be aware that Fairfax County is screening a proposed Site Specific Plan Amendment that could have significant potential impact to our area.
We live in the Mason District and there is currently a proposal under consideration that takes the land between Columbia Rd and Randolph Drive (Pro Computers and Miracle Gardens) on Little River TPK and erecting a 4 story building of 105 multi-family units and retail space. There was a virtual meeting held on February 2nd that attracted over 70 concerned residents.
While this is very short notice, there is time for you to voice your opinion. The County is meeting this month to workshop the nominations and determine which proposals will progress for further study and consideration.
If you would like to share your input with the county, please email
Michael.Burton@Fairfaxcounty.gov and or Clara.Johnson@Fairfaxcounty.gov
Here is a link for more information
2022-2023 Countywide SSPA Process – Track a Nomination | Planning Development (fairfaxcounty.gov)
If you’d like to discuss this with the board, please feel free to join our next meeting which is listed on the website.
–Aspen Hill BOD