Local Biz & Svcs

If you have a local business or service please post a comment here.  We will leave it up for a few months for our residents to see.  Thank you.

One thought on “Local Biz & Svcs

  • May 6, 2022 at 5:39 pm


    I am a librarian with Pohick Regional Library reaching out to share some free virtual library programs information with you and your residents. Covid makes it hard to reach library users, so reaching out this way as a feasible alternative. Quality experience is what we strive for. Your residents will appreciate and benefit from the programs listed below at the comfort of their homes (virtually via Zoom). Please email the program information below to your residents so that they can locate and register for the programs of their choice.

    Since links can be go through, please go to Fairfax County Public Library website, then look for EVENTS, then program category ADULTS, then click on the calendar dates to locate the programs below and to register for each program in order to receive a unique Zoom link for each program.

    Flushed! The Journey of Wastewater series (5/12/2022 and 5/25/2022)
    2-Part Series
    Part I Wastewater management reality, which includes the journey of wastewater, the impact on our lives, how to avoid expensive sewer backup repairs, and local river protection.
    Part II Wastewater management future planning and sustainability initiatives in Fairfax County and the potential impact.

    Video Talk with TV Professionals (7/12/2022)
    learn how award winning video programs are made at Channel 16, get professional insights and tips on creating your own quality videos. School children, teens and adults.

    Prime Investment Discussion Group Series (4th Tuesdays per month)
    A program for investment minded adults interested in sharing and discussing quality, current and relevant investment information for educational purpose only (not for profit). To ensure prime investment information is shared and discussed, an experienced research librarian administers the program, verifies the source currency and relevancy of the shared information, and facilitates discussions during the program. Pertinent library resources and research techniques will be introduced during the program as needs arise.
    Sheryl Patterson, president of DC Regional Chapter of Better Investing, is going to open with a brief presentation, then join our discussions.

    Any questions, please let me know. Thank you.

    Sheila Cui
    Pohick Regional Library
    703-644-7333 X 4 (Information)

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